Simply Red

Earth In A Lonely Space

2023 Time

Compositor música y letra * Mick Hucknall

Canción inédita titulada "Earth In A Lonely Space". Escrita por Mick Hucknall, cuenta con la producción de Andy Wright y ha sido grabada con la participación de Gavin Goldberg en la ingeniería y mezcla en los estudios Home y SouthWest. Formará parte de su nuevo álbum titulado Time. Utiliza sonidos más etéreos y sutiles, con reminiscencia a los años 60, a David Bowie e incluso Beatles, impregnándonos de cierta melancolía. Mick nos habla en estos términos de la canción "la tierra en sí misma está en un lugar solitario..., es un trabajo que cualquier artista intenta capturar ese momento preciso y ese momento es ahora, cuando mucha gente se encuentra aislada y sola".

Viene acompañada por un video de lanzamiento dirigido y animado por el equipo de Cine1080, transportándonos a un viaje a través del espacio donde reluce la magnitud, soledad y fragilidad del mundo que nos rodea.


Earth In A Lonely Space


We're Earth in a lonely space
Too far to say hello
And ever expanding
Earth in a lonely space
There's more to explore on the inside
Instead of running off
And ruining the outside

Until a new World has dawned
This is all we have
And I can't say much more
Much brighter than that

So look at what you have
And try to make it brighter
Look at what you have
And try to make it brighter
Look at your heavy load
And try to make it lighter
Ah oh...

Earth is a lonely place
Lost from who you know
And love's understanding
Earth is a lonely space
Hurting and burning on the inside
While being perfectly normal
On the outside

Until a new day has dawned
This is all we have
And I can't say much more
Much brighter than that

So look at what you have
And try to make it brighter
Look at what you have
And try to make it brighter
Look at what you have
And try to make it brighter
Look at your heavy load
And try to make it lighter
Ah oh...

Look at what you have
And try to make it brighter
Look at what you have
And try to make it brighter
Look at your heavy load
And try to make it lighter
Ah oh...